People remember 80% of what they have seen and only 20% of what they read. If you want to sell more of your products, it might be a good idea to have some professional product photos taken by a commercial product and advertising photographer to convince your potential customers. The truth is, the better your products look on your website or brochure, the more of it you will sell.

If you don’t have professional photos you will lose out on some serious business. We live in a world where the image is everything. You are not the only person selling your kind of product, you probably have MANY competitors. The fact is, if you have better images on your website or brochure, you will most probably do much better than your competitors.

Nowadays it is very easy with Google to search for a few companies that sell the same kind of products in an area. People will then compare your website with your competitors. If your product photos look better there is a VERY big chance that they will call you first.


Crafford Productions can help you with your product photography. We have two full-time professional photographers to assist you. We have a well-equipped studio in Pretoria in Gauteng where we can photograph your products. CLICK HERE TO SEE WHAT OUR STUDIO LOOKS LIKE. 

We regularly get customers that courier their products to us from all over South Africa to photograph it.

We can also set up a portable studio at your premises if you have large products that are difficult to move or if you have very expensive products that you want to keep on your premises. Here is an example where we had to set up our studio at a furniture manufacturer to photograph their coffee tables and tables at their premises. It was just too heavy and cumbersome to bring it to our studio. 

We also have a very experienced graphic designer that has worked in the advertising field for a long time. She can help you with any special requests you might have regarding the design and layout of brochures, website, etc.

GIVE US A CALL for a free quotation. We would love to chat with you.

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