That is one company employing an extra 175 000 people in one month!
Most of the world’s businesses are retrenching employees. 17 Million Americans unemployed in three weeks.
This actually makes us a little bit sick, doesn’t it? 
Jeff Bezos is already the richest man in the world… by far. His net worth was $141.8 billion on 7 May 2020.  And now he is actually doing better while the rest of the world is suffering? 
Why is that?
Well, Jeff Bezos had the vision to do things different from other businesses when he started. Other businesses had stores in shopping centers but Jeff started selling items online.
He started in 1994 in his garage in California. It started off as an E-commerce website selling books. Today you can buy almost anything from Amazon. (It seems as if all these rich Billionaires started in their garages. Bezos, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs).


  • No big rental payments for premium space in big and expensive shopping centers.
  • Delivery at home for the customer.
  • It is quick to search through a wide variety of items on the internet (even while at the office). No parking problems and walking from shop to shop.
  • You haven’t got geographical restrictions anymore so you have potentially more clients. The world is now your playground.
  • If you have a specific product you want to punt it is much easier to do it on the internet than to sell it from a shop. 
  • You can target a specific area where you want to market a specific product.
  • You can even target a specific age group.
  • You are now open 24/7.
  • Your website will probably cost you much less than your MONTHLY rental payments on your bricks and mortar store. That means that you will have fewer expenses and will be able to sell your products for cheaper prices. That will in turn mean that you can be much more competitive price-wise.
The list goes on and on, this is just a few advantages.
Getting excited already? Are you seeing where this is going?
That “thing” (the internet), that such a small amount of businesses are using to its full potential, can actually help you. Not to only save your business in these times, but grow it exponentially

Just have a look at these stats. It is important to know what you might be missing out on. 

This is South Africa’s internet stats

  • 31.18 million active internet users (Statista, 2019).
  • South Africa has 54 percent internet penetration 
  • South Africans access the internet for personal reasons on any device: every day (65%), at least once per week (22%), at least once per month (8%) and less than once per month (4%) (We Are Social, 2018).
  • 47% of South African internet users searched online for a product or service to buy in the past 30 days (We Are Social, 2018)

USA Internet Stats

60% of all Canadians used search in April 2020  to see what is open and closed near them .

Google trends showed a big spike in Canadian search interest for Buy online in the last few months.

Read more about it here. 

Sorry for all the stats here, but I had to let you see exactly what we are talking about. What you are maybe missing out on. 

During the Corona Virus more people than ever will search for things online, simply because they are scared to go out and will have more available time. Business on the internet will boom, simply because it is the safest, cheapest, quickest and easiest way to do business. 

There is a big chance that even more people in the future will search online for services or products. They are forced to do it at the moment. They will see the advantages, and those new habits formed will stick.

You WANT to be a part of this, don’t lose out.  If you are selling something maybe now is the IDEAL time to talk to us about an E-Commerce website for your business. 

People might have less money to spend now yes, but it is not as if NO money is being spent. You just want to make sure that some of the money being spent in your industry comes to you!

Quality Web Design for customers in the USA, Canada, the UK or Europe

We design websites for people everywhere in the world. And there most probably will be a massive price advantage for you to use us, as compared to your local web designers,  if you are from a place like the USA, Canada or any other country whose currency is so much stronger than ours. 

Let’s face it. You don’t have to meet someone in person to trust them to design your website. A Video Call is good enough. 

Email me if this sounds interesting to you. We can then arrange a free, no strings attached and private online Video Call. (If you don’t know how I will show you)

What have you got to lose?

We hope to hear from you soon.

Yesterday PANIC, today DENIAL, tomorrow WORKING ON THE FUTURE…

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