We do commercial photography in Gauteng and all over South Africa. We are stationed in Pretoria East.
We would love you to use us for all your commercial photography needs.
Why do I need a professional commercial photographer?
But why is it important to pay a commercial photographer to photograph you, your employees, your products, your business or event? You do have a camera/cellphone, and your photos are pretty good?
Simply put, because of the day and age we live in. The Internet/Digital age.
We started off as wedding photographers about 11 years ago. At that stage Facebook and Twitter were still VERY small and not a lot of people were on it. It was nothing like today. Potential clients searched for wedding photographers on Google and made an appointment to come and see us. 100% of people that wanted a wedding photographer came to see us. They wanted to meet you in person before they made a decision whether they wanted to use you.
Fast forward 11 years later. Today we still do a lot of weddings. The only difference is that only about 5% of people looking for a wedding photographer now come and see us. The rest look at our social media profiles and our website and decide whether they will trust us or not.
So, 11 years ago WE personally had to convince the customers to use, now our websites and social media profiles have to do the convincing. They are now our representatives. And if a representative doesn’t look good or make a good first impression we don’t use the company, do we?
And that in a nutshell is why you need a professional commercial photographer. In the internet age, you want to look the best you can do.
Look better than your competition
The fact is that there is a LOT of competition in every line of business. And if you don’t look better than they why should they use you?
Nowadays you don’t even know WHEN you are losing business. You might be asleep, or busy with a job when somebody looks at your website or your social Media Marketing profiles. If they don’t like what they see they don’t tell you…they just move on to your competitor. Big businesses often get their secretaries to search for suppliers. And they are generally young people that are used to the internet and know what looks good and whatnot. If they don’t like your website or profile they won’t even suggest you to their boss.
What makes us different as commercial photographers?
- Because we do a lot of commercial photography we know what is important when we photograph.
- We have the right kind of cameras, lenses, and external lighting equipment.
- Experience has also taught us the right angles to photograph from to make the best impression.
- We have been involved with other businesses and advertising for over 20 years. We will not only photograph from the angle of what will look good aesthetically. We will also keep in mind what angle will have the best chance of selling the business, product, or person that we photograph.
Simply put, you are an expert in your kind of business…and we in ours.
We do the following kinds of commercial photography
Please click on the appropriate link to take you through to the right page on our website where you can read more and can see some samples of our work.

Are you an estate agent that has a unique property to market and need unique photos? An architect who wants his latest creation to look as good as he intended it to be? Or a business owner that wants his business photographed inside and outside?

Events and Functions Photography
Let us photograph that special events and functions that you invested such a lot of money and time in.